Banele Magagula


Banele, hailing from Dlangeni, the birthplace of Eswatini's first suspended bridge, has his own bridge-building story to tell. Since joining the mason team in 2017, he's become a dedicated member, honing his skills and contributing to crucial infrastructure projects in his home region.

With a Grade 2 certificate and high school education under his belt, Banele brings both technical knowledge and an eagerness to learn to his work. Beyond construction, he enjoys tending to his land, ensuring his roots remain firmly planted in the community he serves.

And when the workday ends, Banele laces up his cleats and hits the soccer field, another way he connects with his community and stays active. His passion for the sport echoes the dedication he pours into his construction work, striving for excellence in both.

Banele's story represents the dedication and diverse skills that make the bridge-building project a success. He embodies the spirit of collaboration and local involvement, weaving his own journey of growth and development into the fabric of his community.